What We Do

What We Do

CPCF - Connecting communities for a brighter future

Connecting communities for a brighter future.

Central Pennsylvania isn’t just our namesake, it’s our home. Since inception, the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation has strived to make a lasting and positive impact in the area by establishing a sense of community and a culture of giving.

We believe in the people of this region and have dedicated ourselves to building towards a more prosperous future for all.


Bringing people together to enrich lives.


Our Mission

We manage charitable giving by helping donors achieve their goals.


Reaching Goals

Through expert financial planning and in-depth knowledge of community needs, we help donors achieve their goals while maximizing the impact of each gift.


A Better Future

The CPCF manages funds created by generous community members and corporations interested in improving the quality of life and creating opportunities for Central Pennsylvania residents. 

Core Principles Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation

Our Core Values

  • Community – We are committed to giving back to Central Pennsylvania and the people we share it with.
  • Generosity – We nurture an environment where giving is encouraged and everyone is empowered to make an impact in areas they care about.
  • Legacy – One of our greatest joys is helping our donors to create a legacy that is meaningful to them and beneficial to their community.

  • Service – Serving people is at the heart of what we do, providing unique and personalized solutions for each and every project.
  • Responsibility – We strive to honor our donors’ wishes, working with respected financial advisors to maximize the impact of every dollar received.

  • Trust – We hold ourselves to the highest standards of donor confidentiality, backed by a rigorous system of accountability in all our financial dealings.

Areas of Impact

Focusing our efforts in the places they matter most.

Across arts and culture, health and social services, education, religion, and economic development, we focus philanthropy and investment in ways that do the most good for the most people in the place we call home. Through grants, scholarships, foundations, and charities, the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation is building a bright future for the region.

CPCF Areas of Impact

Culture, Community & the Arts

Through donations to culture, community, and the arts, we can make meaningful contributions to our society. While not essential to life, these are often regarded as the things that make life worth living.

Scholarships and Education

By creating more opportunities for education, we’re investing in the region and the people we share it with. Through scholarships at all levels of education to recognition of academic achievements, we believe in the future of Central PA.

Religious Organizations

Faith-based organizations are a key part of our community, supporting Central Pennsylvania through a number of much-needed services. Spiritual institutions provide for a range of needs, from food and clothing to scholarships and academic resources.

Health and Social Services

Our health and social services programs make it possible to extend a helping hand to the most vulnerable in our communities. Our impact extends from charities that feed the young and hungry to creating places the community can turn to in times of crisis.

Economic Vitality

Grants for business ventures, projects, and events throughout Central PA help to enrich the community and make a lasting impact on the economic growth of the region. Whether for work or play, donations towards these initiatives are building a better Central PA for all.

Help us make an impact.

The word Community is in our name for a reason — we need your help to make a difference here. Find and support an existing fund or create your own in an area you’re passionate about.

Ready to make an impact?  Donate to a fund today.